Thursday, August 22, 2013

Update so sorry I have not been on here in for so long.

Hey everyone I'm so sorry I have not been on here it has been awhile well more like a year. I got a new computer Yay! so still figuring it out and my Love life but things will work out. I'm going to collage soon yay! but my senior year was not as great as you may think so much drama like the EX boyfriend and my so called friend who is not my friend any more turns out they had a baby together Yay! (caught caught not) me not so happy. Senior year cost a lot of money thought like pictures, hoodies, prom and ect.  I never would have thought it would be that much but hey its your last year in high school so you might as well go all out. Right? There was a few things I wish I could have changed like do more then what I did instead of being a lazy American yes I typed it I put lazy American just cause I know I am sometimes not saying all the time. What have I been doing getting ready for collage, hanging out, and doing things I love to do. I have gotten into skateboarding lately and  yes I fell on my butt many times still working on getting better tho. OK now let me get you a little caught up on the story with thee EX boyfriend thing well you all know he dumped me and went out with one of my best friends then they end up having a baby well I didn't like it so I said to myself I will never ever talk to him again I was so mad at him. One day he wrote me a note and I knew him and her where fighting so I thought oh I know what he is doing trying to get her evan more mad at him or something along those lines. I did write back but it was the most meanest letter ever and I told one of my buddy to give it to him but they never did so I ended up talking. 0.0 awful right? well we talked a lot manly about her and how she was just being a B word cause he wanted us to stay friends never wanted this us not talking  to each other she never would let him it turned out he was still in love with me.... I found the reason o why he broke up with me the first time was because well he was dumb and didn't realize that he shouldn't be scared of love. He did a ton of drugs just so he could forget me but he couldn't he evan moved away still didn't work. He is now snapping to reality  realizing that he cant do that or be the person he was anymore specifically with me and he wants another chance so I said fine one  more but  if you mess it up that's all you get so now we are back together Yay! but sometime I second  guess things and I don't know if thats good or bad?  I worry that it will all go down hill again. Lets hope not. so any tips would be nice.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

update the ex boyfriends drama queen.

well as I said in my last blog I was going to give you a update well as promised here it is an uber long one. 

well my senior year has not been going so good lately. Here are the reason's why one of my best friends died in a car crash:( R.I.P. Adam I will miss him so much. Two my grandma is sick and has to be on dailies pluse my great grandma is in the hospital but I am glade he is out and is doing better his wife is in a nursing home and has memory lost so she will be there for a long time. To top all this off is my ex boyfriend now this is where the part get's long you see before we broke up I had a crush on one of his friends but I didn't know at the time that they were friends till he told me so I was pretty much like ok than so they had a guy code not to date anyone of there each others Ex girlfriends and I respected that. so me and him broke up a few weeks latter don't remember what happened but this is all the being but I still liked him and all so one day one of my friends who is not my friend anymore comes up too me and ask if she could date him than I thought of him and his friend who had that guy code. I wanted to hit her but I didn't and I knew they were not going to last so she moves  and they break up and she goes out with another guy I was happy that meant I could talk to him because she would never let him talk to me or even be friends how messed up is that well we talked but sadly at the time I had a boyfriend so we could only be friends. she finally broke up with the dude she was with well actually someone took her boyfriend that she was with so she went back to him sad face for me huh! and this is when she said oh I will never go back to him yeah right lied too me twice about it.  Well over the summer me and him hanged out a lot together without her knowing cause if she knew she would hate it wouldn't let us be friends but he came over to my house and we would have fun together just walking around and talking. One day he texted me  saying she cheated on him with a chick I thought that messed up and told him as a friend to dump her  because he didn't deserve that he knew she liked chicks but never thought of it like that t so they didn't brack up sad face :(  well one day over the summer he admitted how much he still liked me and a lot that good stuff and he wanted to kiss me 0.o I was happy but he never did it he said he needed time to think so I gave him time and of course he stalked me witch was weird than here's the big head lines he got my ex best friend pregnant and she is starting all kinds of drama with everyone really making me mad so yeah who wants to help me with this mess huh?

Monday, December 17, 2012

Hi everyone sorry I have not been on here in so long just been busy with other things like graduation yay! in 2013  I will finally be out of school but sadly I really don't want to go cause I have so many memories there and it will be heard to leave all my friends and go to collage. What collage I want to go is the art institute of Nashville it is an hour away from home and everyone else will be doing there thing but that's ok I can mange with every thing. I really can't wait till Christmas this year. there is so much to tell you what has happened since I have not been on here but I will do that little at a time so I can keep some of you updated. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


well tooday is going slow and is borin my brother is in my room watchin a movie and it is to cold to go outside with all the snow on the ground but i do love thhe snow cause i get out of school! yay! its so great to get out of school somtimes pluse don't have to get up early im not much of an early bird me personal is a night owl so i stay up really late one time i stayed up till six in the morin :O well thats all thats going on today i might just put the X-MASS tree up but it feels like christmass tho with the snow.


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Monday, January 10, 2011

16 things girls woun't notice

1) Guys may be flirting around all day, but
before they go to sleep they always think about the girl they truly care about

2) Guys are more emotional then you think if they
loved you at one point it takes them a lot longer
then you think to let you go, and it hurts every second that they arent with you

3) Guys go crazy over a girl's smile ( :

4) A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to

5) Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what uh...never mind....." would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are
thinking and he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll
obsess about it trying to figure it out

6) If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. you don't need to give advice

7) A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.


9) Guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. They rarely use
beautiful or gorgeous. If a guy uses that, he loves you or likes you a
whole heck of a lot.

10) If the guy does something stupid in front of the girl,
he will think about it for the next couple days or until the next
time he spends time with you

11) When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking something

12)A guy would give the world to be able to read a girl's mind for a day

13)No guy can handle all his problems on his own He's just too stubborn to admit it

14)NOT ALL GUYS ARE RUDE! Just because ONE is RUDE doesn't mean he represents ALL of them


16) Even if you dump a guy months ago and he loved you he probably still does and if he had one wish it would be you to come back into his life

-Everything said in this bulletin is true

-Ladies, if u don't repost this within 1 hr then you will lose the guy of your dreams

-Guys, if you don't repost this in 1 hr then you will lose the girl of your life

Teenage love trouble.

well i know what your thinking im to young to know what love is but so far love sucks! my last boyfriend dumped me for my best friend and now we dont evan talk any more i was happy when he moved so i wouldn't have to see his face but now he has moved back and he is trying to talk to me agine? but i dont want talk to him for what he did now its like me and my friends are all spilt up:( Now i have fallen in love with a guy who is two years older than me but he lives in VA and i live in TN ii realy want to see him and i know that he wants to see me too but his mom wount let us cause of my age it sucks and than i found out he had cancer :( i wanted to cry but he told me not to my eyes keep on watering. than my mom talked to his mom they got along great but sadly i have to waite till im 18 to see.
on top of this crazy love thing my cousion told me he liked me more than a cousion and more than a friend  i was shocked than he said he didnt care if we are related but i told him no that will never happen and to this day he still wount leave me  alone about. this is all so crazy and messed up somtimes i just want to brack down.